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lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019


La hiperplasia benigna de próstata (HBP) acute a casi tolos homes añosos. Hai munchos tratamiéntos, los más d'ellos quirúrxicos cuando la farmacoloxía ya nun furrula. Atopo que los australianos desendolcaron un métodu pocu invasivu mui amañosu que diz ser baratu, rápidu y con perbonos resultaos siempre que nun se tenga el pilancu d'una próstata mui engrandada. Total, qu'atopé esti videu y xúbolu por si ye d'interés. En cuanto a lo de "barato" la cosa va purriba los 6.000 € y la intervención suel facese en pocos sitios. De xuro que col tiempu baxen los precios y pueque la Seguridá Social española acabe teniendo esta téunica nel so cuadru de servicios médico-quirúrxicos ya que ye muncho más económico que pagar una intervención convencional, incluso col usu del sistema quirúrxicu robotizáu conocíu como Da Vinci. El doctor Fernandez Arjona, pioneru nel usu del métodu, preséntamos la téunica y apurre la experiencia d'intervenir una próstata engrandada col sistema de grapes UroLift.

The UroLift System is typically a one-time, in-office solution that provides rapid relief and recovery for men living with symptoms of an enlarged prostate.1 It breaks the cycle of medications and how they make a person feel, all without the risks of traditional surgery. The goal of the UroLift System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and resume your daily activities. Most men living with enlarged prostate (BPH) symptoms take prescription medications after they’re diagnosed but these prescriptions often don’t provide adequate relief and may cause dizziness, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction.2 Medications don't need to become a lifelong burden and men don’t need to wait until surgery is required to address the problem. With the UroLift System treatment, men suffering from BPH symptoms can avoid traditional surgery altogether. The simple UroLift System treatment typically performed in the doctor’s office uses tiny implants to hold open the obstructed pathway that’s blocking urine flow, addressing the blockage, not just continuously treating enlarged prostate (BPH) symptoms. Most patients return home immediately and experience a speedy recovery.

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